Welcome to Naturally Optimal!
Our clinic provides advanced integrative therapies in dietetics, nutrition, medical massage, & therapeutic bodywork.
We identify nutritional issues that can lead to disease or be a barrier to health.
We determine tissue, muscle, organ, nerve, vessel, lymph, and bone restrictions that inhibit or reduce function.
We deliver a personalized, whole body approach that helps the client balance, heal, and become Naturally Optimal!

Currently Not Accepting New Clients JULY 28, 2024
Thank you for your interest in Naturally Optimal’s services.
We are not accepting new clients for the next six months (Jan 2025). Naturally Optimal will provide an update on availability once this period concludes. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to the possibility of working together in the future.
What is Integrative Functional Nutrition?
- Understanding the client’s health history and individuality
- Utilizing biochemistry and biology to assess body system imbalances
- Working integratively with the physician and patient to combine the very best of modern science, clinical wisdom, and critical thinking
- Using diet, supplements, and lifestyle changes to significantly improve patient health outcomes
- Therapeutic & Wellness Diets
- Therapeutic Supplementation
- Nutrition Education
- Food Lists
- Menu Plans
- Nutrition-focused Physical Exam
- Conventional Laboratory Nutrition Evaluation
- Functional Nutrition Laboratory Testing
- Relaxation & Swedish Massage
- Myofascial Release & Mapping
- Fascial Counterstrain & Strain Counterstrain
- Muscle Energy Technique
- Strain Release /Drop Release
- Lymphatic Drainage
- Visceral Manipulation
- Neural Manipulation
- Precision Neuromuscular Therapy
- Trigger Point Therapy
- Ortho-Bionomy
- Classical Oscillatory Osteopathy
- Clinical Acupressure & Reflexology
- Energy Balancing Techniques
I have been working with Alise for over 11 years.
"I have been working with Alise for over 11 years. She is an excellent, experienced, knowledgeable and courteous professional practitioner.…
Can highly recommend Naturally Optimal!
Can highly recommend Naturally Optimal! I was in my mid-forties before connecting with Naturally Optimal. After a lifetime of mediocre…
For anyone looking for help with healing
For anyone looking for help with healing, nutrition, or therapeutic massage I highly recommend someone I've used for over 11…
I’ve had three years of fantastic education
I’ve had three years of fantastic education, relief from pain, body work and support . Alise is highly educated and…
For years traditional medicine failed to solve
For years traditional medicine failed to solve my chronic sinus, ear, and throat infections, loss of voice, anxiety and depression,…
“Those who think they have no time for healthy eating will sooner or later have to find time for illness"
– Edward Stanley
– Edward Stanley
“Let medicine be thy food and food be thy medicine”
– Hippocrates father of medicine
– Hippocrates father of medicine
“Eat whole foods close to nature…Just because man invented a food doesn’t mean our bodies invented a way to handle it”
– Alise Dobrot, MS, RDN, LDN, IFNCP, LMT
– Alise Dobrot, MS, RDN, LDN, IFNCP, LMT
“It is not enough to eat healthy…We need to eat balanced!”
– Alise Dobrot, MS, RDN, LDN, IFNCP, LMT
– Alise Dobrot, MS, RDN, LDN, IFNCP, LMT
“Symptoms are your body’s attempt to solve a problem”
– Alise Dobrot, MS, RDN, LDN, IFNCP, LMT
– Alise Dobrot, MS, RDN, LDN, IFNCP, LMT